About 10

Tim Laureska
1st-String Technologies

-----Original Message-----
From: John McKown [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 4:19 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: intranet project

How many users?

John McKown
Delaware.Net, Inc.
Toll-Free: 888-432-7965
ICQ: 1812513

We host Fusebox.org, and we build all of our applications in ColdFusion 
and Fusebox including our Store-Logic Ecommerce engine and our 
Team-Logic CRM platform.

Tim Laureska wrote:
> I've been asked to quote on an "intranet project" that will involve a
> Win 2003 server/SQL server based in one city with multiple users
> throughout the states. they want to access that server (which will run
> CFMX server) via CF apps to be developed... Are there any
> recommendations on the best way to set this up. being the first time
> I've set up something as this  . . what is a typical arrangement for
> something like this- any suggestions would be appreciated?
> Tim 

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