A lot of spam engines will simply turn the message away at the door (so to 
speak) by cutting off the connection when they see something they don't 
like.  Usually this is something foobar in the headers.

Doesn't HOF do a lot of manipulation of messages with its email server? 
Maybe something's out of spec there under certain conditions.  I thought 
someone else mentioned seeing some sort of non-compliance in the headers 
of some messagees received from this list.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Ferguson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "CF-Talk" <cf-talk@houseoffusion.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: Re: missing posts???

>I checked -- nothing there! Thanks for trying though.
> --Ferg
> Ian Skinner wrote:
>>So, I was confused by the conversation about Jennifer's bounce... I
>>wasn't confused by the subject matter though; it's the fact that I've
>>NEVER gotten any post from her. I realized that I was getting parts of
>>the conversation and could see her replies inline in the other posts.
>>Out of curiosity, I looked back through all of my emails (I never delete
>>the cftalk emails) and saw that I've NEVER seen a post from her. Now,
>>the question I pull out of this is why and how many other people are
>>posting that I'm missing altogether??
>>I know the spam service my company uses, even though I have CF-Talk 
>>white listed, will still pick random to my eyes CF-Talk messages to 
>>quarantine.  Every now and then I go into the tool and forward them on 
>>to myself.

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