On Wednesday, October 4, 2000, Dave Watts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> We are in the process of installing a new web server box. 
>> Everything is going OK except I'm getting held up on 
>> transferring the SQL databases. The current plan is to take 
>> the file created by the backup process and move it to the new 
>> box and use the restore wizard in Enterprise Manager. The new 
>> box does not have the same drive setup as the old and I'm 
>> getting an error that says something about using "with move". 
>> I've been told that I need to use transact SQL to make that 
>> work. I can't find any decent examples on Books Online. Can 
>> anyone point me to an example? Am I taking the right
>If you're using SQL Server 7, when you restore, there's an "Options" tab
>which will allow you to change the file names and paths that the restore
>will use.

That still results in the same error. I even went so far as to create a new database, 
use DTS to transfer all objects and data, create a backup with the same name, replace 
that back up with the backup from the source and I still got an error saying it's a 
different database. If I select "force restore over existing database" I get the "with 
move" error. When I examine the path that you mentioned it points to the correct drive.
Others have mentioned using DTS. Are there any pitfalls to this? I'm glad I'm not in a 
crisis recovery situation.

Lee Surma
Public Radio International

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