This is the problem:

I have 22000 records in a table.

The data is as follows:
AgentName, ClientID, ContractNo, TransactionType, NetPayable

The way the relationships work is that for each Client, there is at least one 
Agent, and at most 2.
In the cases that there are 2 agents per Client, the Contract Numbers will be 
the same.

The report is displayed, broken down by Agents.  This is a commission report 
for the Agents.  
What the report does is tally up the NetPayables for each agent, broken down by 
Client.  However, if the client is producing less than 5 Contracts, then we 
apply a formula to the agent's commission, and then check if there is another 
agent assigned to the contract, and if necessary split the adjustment between 
the two.

So I had an initial query which Grouped By Client, Agent, then Contract (so 
this is the 3 level nested group output).  I then created a Client Array (2 
dimensional).  So the first Dimension is per Dealer, and the second dimension 
holds the details.
The Details are: 
1 Client Name
2 Number of Contracts (just a loop counter which keeps track of contracts per 
3 ContractNo (this is actually a list of the ContractNo)
4 AgentName/NetPayable (another list comprised of the AgentName and their 
NetPayable, mostly a 1 item list, but can be 2 items).

Once that output query is finished, I loop through the array that was just 
created, and split it into 2.  Under 5 and Over 5.
I basically loop through the array and look at the 2nd position in the 2nd 
dimension and see if that value is > 5 or <= 5.  Based on that I dump the 
contents in either the Under5 array or the over5 array. 

Once this is done, I loop through the Under5 array, to create a value list of 
all the ContractNo's.
I then do a query, where the ContractNo's are in this value list.

Now we're ready for the output.

For the output, we output the last query I just mentioned.
The output is by Agent, within the Agent we break it down by ClientID, and then 
within each ClientID section we list the actual row data.  It's during this 
output section where I apply the formula to the Agent's commission rate.  If 
you see item 4 above, I check if that array position is actually a list whose 
length is > 1.  If that's the case then I know I need to adjust the commission 
and split it in 2.
So in the middle of this output query, I'm looping through the Under5 array to 
find a match on the Agent Name.  

When all the clients producing under 5 have been displayed for the current 
Agent, I have to display the clients producing over 5.

I forgot to mention above, that another query we have before we do the output 
is the Over 5 query.  Just like I created a value list of the ContracNo's 
producing < 5, I do the same for Over5, and run a query specifically on that 

So within our main output query, after the < 5 Clients have been displayed, I 
loop through the Over5 query output to find the matching Agent Names, and then 
output the data.

Now this section that I just mentioned, is what causes the execution time to 
jump exponentially.  I just tested commenting it out, and the page runs in 
about 4 seconds.  But with this code in, it runs at a minimum of 15 seconds on 
a good day.  On a regular day it just crashes the production server.           

I tried my best to explain the situation in great detail and hope it makes 
sense, and hope that some people would be able to help me improve.

Thanks again,

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