I like Assembly. I respect people who have taken the time
to learn it.

Isn't it sort o like:
CF > Java > C > ASM > 110011 ? (sorta?)
Maybe now it's more of a CF > Java > machine lang?

I've heard tell of java compiling that did better optimization than
the a human... but it's funny that you would use a language
like Java and shy away from generated code. He he he. [=

Not gonna weigh in on frameworks. Maybe later.

-ps with the advances in micro electronics, "low level" code is still "in",
if'n ya ask me. Not that anyone did.

If it's really about the number of people doing something, vs.
skill/practicality, I guess the best solution is taking out some
competition, neh? Get yourself a nice high-powered rifle and a cozy spot
near an internet cafe. :-P  Seriously tho, you'd be kind of silly to base a
tech decision based solely on supply and demand.  That gets you into the
whole "king of the hill" (the t.v. show) mentality, "find a job no one else
wants do do". Sure, you'll always have work, but is that what the goal is?
There will always be work to be done, just like stuff will always be built
on other stuff.
The real meat and potatoes are in the "sum is more than the parts" type
deals.  I don't think language or popularity have much to do with it, sorta.
You want to further the world as a whole, not have job security. I love to
kill off job security. Every chance I get I'm like, "here's how you can do
it yourself, easy like".  Some co-workers fear that mentality, and wish I'd
keep it to myself. Sorta keeping an artificial "demand" going.  There will
always be legit "demands" to "supply", so who cares about the status quo? -
Note my use of "security" as "work" - as I believe "good people"
automatically have the type of job security that most people talk about, and
somehow conflate with "work".  I'd rather see something like BETA win over
VHS, than buy into the whole "economics of numbers" mentality.

Just a random injection. Please be aware that I don't condone the personal
attacks this thread has generated. I'm not taking any side, I just like
assembly, and it's usefulness/niche. And I'm warning against the evils of
"the majority", or what-not.  Wouldn't want someone to read into it that
there's no future in low level coding, I guess.
So... *cough* um... back to chill'n, chill'n... (-=

On 4/9/06, S. Isaac Dealey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm well aware that it's still used. I'm also well aware that the
> niche for Assembler is smaller today than it was prior to the
> invention of C/C++ for example. There is less demand and therefore
> fewer people take the time to learn Assembler in today's market
> because less demand means that more supply will devalue the skill set.
> A larger demand for Java in todays market means that more people
> continue to learn Java in today's market. If another language were to
> come along and have at its core the concepts behind Java yet be more
> stable and easier to implement, that would probably supplant Java in
> time. ColdFusion is not that language (because it's not useful for
> desktop applications), and I doubt Ruby is, but that doesn't mean it
> won't happen.

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