On 4/9/06, Ken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Charles. Got a question for you. Say you updated the value of  the
> field
> OrgShortname in the database, for one of the websites. How soon would the
> application variable associated with it get updated?
> Also, in your code, are you not loading the database too much, since you
> have the query in your application.cfm file. How often is this query going
> to run?

Since it's in Application.cfm, which gets run once per request, it's getting
run every request. Which means it's being "get" and "set" with each
request.  Sound place for a cgi type "if" deal, but the downside of having
the query in the application.cfm is it's getting run each request as well,
and depending on how you have your error trapping set up, you could hit a DB
error before you've set you db error handling, or whatnot.  Might make more
sense, if there aren't a lot of sites, to store the list in memory and
compare against that instead of running the query.

You can use a structClear() to clear the application and session scopes, not
to sure if the structClear on Application is kosher or not.


-ps sorry for the lack of trimming/whatnot of my posts. Still getting used
to gmail's way, which is soooo freaking slick it's not funny. I really gotta
hand it to 'em, rocking UIs!

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