Hi everyone,

In my continued work with the Verity Vspider I came across something
interesting today.  It seems that the cfexecute tag has an issue with
buffering output that is returned from the spawned process.  This is CFMX
7.0.1 Enterprise running on Windows 2003 Server Standard.  I searched high
and low and found a lot of people that had and have issues with cfexecute,
but a good amount weren't using the tag and its arguments in the correct
way.  That being said, I DID find a problem that I emailed product support

I can't say this with absolute certainty about all cfexecute command-line
processes that output a significant amount of data, but I did discover that
after a certain amount of log data output to the console, the vspider
process just hangs.  I suspect this would be the case with other programs,
too.  As I was reading the forums and other areas on the web, I noticed
people with this same problem that were running apps like zip programs that
would verbosely output all the actions being taken.

There is a specific command in a vspider config file that you can use to
specify the type of logging.  The initial command I was using is: -loglevel
verbose. Changing it to: -loglevel nostdout took care of the hanging

I hope this might help others having this problem with this or other
applications, or at least bring attention to a potential bug.  I am pretty
sure it's a bug but haven't tested any other apps except vspider, although
removing the standard output to the console with the above switch did take
care of the problem, which tells me it's definitely not related to the
vspider program itself.


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