I am running into an issue where I am creating a comma delimited file based on 
a query result.  So I have a CFFile "Append" inside a Query Loop.  I am trying 
to Lock the File Access so this is the hierarchy of my code
in pseudo-code

   cflock name="myFileLock"
      loop query
          file Append
     <!-- if there was an error try and loop through query and append to
     file again -->
     cflock name="myFileLock" 
        query loop
            file append

What I am getting is a sharing violation when I try appending to the file 
inside the cfcatch.

Do I need to name the second lock differently?
Is there a function in Coldfusion where I can test to see if there is a sharing 
violation before trying to append?

Should I nest my code differently?  
Meaning should the try catch only be around the actual file append?

Again all help is greatly appreciated.  I look forward to hearing others' input 
and suggestions.


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