> I can now confirm (at least on my development server)... the 7.0.2 
> updater does NOT seem compatible with one of my "older" web service's 
> WSDL (even upon rolling the "older" axis.jar back as Tom suggested). 
> The 7.0.2 updater DOES work after making the modification that Andrew 
> has mentioned - tweaking the WSDL, saving (as an XML file), and 
> pointing to it locally in the CFMX Admin 'Web Services' section.


I have tried your invalid WSDL on all the possible 7.x release of ColdFusion 
MX.  I get the same error message from each and every version:

  WSDLException (at /definitions/binding/operation[1]/input): 
faultCode=INVALID_WSDL: Encountered illegal extension attribute 'message'. 
Extension attributes must be in a namespace other than WSDL's.

This error message is correct as this *is* invalid WSDL.  No version of Apache 
Axis that is included in CFMX7 would accept this WSDL as valid and generate 
stubs for it.

Tested versions: CFMX 7.0, 7.0.1, 7.0.2.

Summary: This service needs to fix its WSDL.

Tom Jordahl
Adobe ColdFusion Team

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