> And hey, what if there is some warp hole, or what-have you, 
> and the only bit
> of code to survive is that one line?  How much info would 
> those 5 chars
> give?

As we all know, there are NO programmers who inappropriately name variables.
Seeing as how the variable is named RecordCount, it's hard for you to
convince me that anyone looking at the code couldn't infer that the data
type of that variable is anything other than numeric.

If a wormhole did open and swallow up all code except for that one line, it
wouldn't matter anyway, because the code itself wouldn't execute even if you
have those extra golden 5 characters.  Now, if I were to look at the code:

<cfif query.RecordCount GT 0>


<cfif query.RecordCount>

I might, just MIGHT, SAVE precious milliseconds of time making sure all beer
didn't disappear into the wormhole.  However, since beer is a higher
priority than Boolean evaluation for me in the event of a wormhole
catastrophe, I'd be forgoing code altogether, at least for a while.  In that
case, I'd be writing and then calling the UDF BeerExists() first and
foremost.  Of course, if I were a bad programmer I'd have named the UDF
CheckForBeer(), and then after the next wormhole opened everyone would
REALLY be up sh*t's creek, wouldn't they?


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