ok the way it's laid out is that
Think of 2 tables side by side on one page.
We'll call the left table, "table 1" and the right one "table 2"
then there's one table beneath both of them that spans both of them, called 
"table 3"

Table 2 and Table 3 are IFrames.
Table 2 is an embedded form
Table 3 is a data grid.

Table 1 is basically displaying user data, and has a single select box, that 
"onselect" causes the Iframe in Table 2 to refresh and show certain data based 
on the selection.

Table 3 is independent of the other 2.  What happens in table 3 is that you 
have a textarea that once data is entered, the data grid auto-refreshes.  It's 
basically a Notes display.  Where you type in teh textarea and "onblur" it will 
refresh the data grid.  I have it as an Ifram so that it doesn't refresh the 
entire page.

>The goal here is to identify what do you want to happen.  Is one form
>activating another form?  You can start planning on what containers will
>best server you.  You could have a multiple tab form that activates certain
>tabs.  You can then have a subsidiary form that populates a grid through a
>web service.
>I would need to know more to point you in the right direction.
>On 10/19/06, Ali Awan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

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