> 1º using a (small) list is not a workaround, it is a short cut.

Before I take short cuts, the first thing that comes to mind is, "I hope I
won't need to redo this later."

> 2º updating one field in a table is much more straightforward than 
> updating a multi records cross table.

If you mean the SQL is easier to write, then yes, but I would only say it's
"faster to write", since most link table queries and code can be re-used
with little modification once you've written them before.

> 3º you don't need a joined table in the query, just one table;

The purpose of and RDBMS is storing data in a relational way in the first
place, so using one join to get at additional data isn't taboo; these
systems are made for that type of work.

> 4º you don't need a query each time you want to check if an 
> item has a 
> certain property,
>     you just check for the property in a list, which you can 
> even store 
> in a session variable.

You can grab the items from the link table and use ValueList() if you want
to put them in a list.

> 5º only beginners go by the bible, experienced programmers 
> know short cuts.

Experienced programmers are experienced because they've learned a lot of
do's and don’ts from experienced programmers that came before them.

> 6º bibles are made for beginners;

One thing that experts and true beginners have in common: they both know
they still have a lot to learn.

> 7º beginners are supposed to learn from experience, if they keep on 
> going by the bible,
>     and don't experiment, they will remain beginners...

Beginners learn from a lot of different sources, and one of the major
sources is the experience of others who have tried something 10 different

> For instance, if you need to store in an employee table which days in 
> the week he is ok to work,
> will you create a table with the 7 days in the week and a cross table 
> between the employees and the days?
> SURE, just in case some one decides to make an eigth day in the week, 
> who knows!
> This is ridiculous. ;-)

What if a manager would like a printout of the days of the week and which
employees are available to work on each of those days. Show me, using a
single query, how you'd list all employees grouped by the days they work.


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