That is when I deploy my patented phone taser to render the bad attitude
immobile.  I highly suggest getting one.  :)


Eric J. Hoffman
Managing Partner
2081 Industrial Blvd
tel: 651.717.4105
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-----Original Message-----

From: Crow T. Robot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 11:18 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: grrrr....

I just got off the phone with a IT company who manages the web server
one of our clients.  This client is pretty small, non-profit, and we're
doing a little ASP project with them.  In the course of our
conversation, he
asked what other languages we use.  I tell him CF, ASP.NET, ASP, and
PHP.  His
reply to me was "You still use ColdFusion?  What a piece of crap!".  Of
course, I bristle any time I hear stuff like this, and I whoa'ed him up
little.  As we got deeper into the conversation, I found out that he was
basing his whole experience on a legacy CF5 server install that he did a
weeks ago for a client of his.  I tried and tried to explain that he's
comparing apples to oranges when talking about modern CFMX vs. CF5, but
just wouldn't hear it.  I just wanted to strangle the guy.  Why do IT
have such know-it-all attitudes when they clearly don't know what they
talking about?  Seems to only happen in our industry...can't let the
other guy
out-geek you, I guess.

Bah - rant over.  Just needed to get it out of my system.  (had to do it
my alias since I'm not sure who'll read this in the future...)

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