I assumed your comment:

I understand that...but THOSE contests are bad practices as well.

was in response to:

It's no different than a photo contest, art
contest or the contest Ray Camden runs occasionally for showing off what
you can do with your programing skills.

So even if you thought it was bad practice, you entered anyway? And you want
ray to believe you weren't talking about his contests?  I think you can see
where he, and others, might think you were.

On 2/9/07, Andy Matthews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ray...
> Please don't take my comments earlier to mean that I was talking about
> your
> contenst. Heck, I entered your Blackjack contest and won a WACK book. But
> I
> didn't care about the prize...I just wanted to try my hand at a coding
> challenge. I ended up winning, but more importantly (and one of the
> reasons
> why I entered) was to have my code (and my methods) evaluated publicly.
> That
> to me was more valuable than the book.
> I'm also not saying that Open source isn't valuable. I'm a big fan of open
> source and would RATHER use something created by a community as I think in
> the end it's going to be more solid AND more indicative of what the people
> actually want.
> andy
Scott Stroz

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