> Well, actually, once you go AJAX, you kinda want it 
> everywhere.  It truly
> is a different way of doing stuff than the old "static" way.  
> What's that
> quote... we're just now getting back to where we were 10 years ago, UI
> wise.... something like that.

Well, I really disagree with that statement.  I don't want it "everywhere"
-- just where it makes sense to me and fits the business model.  To use
something "just because you can" isn't really a reason to.

Validating a form after it's been submitted isn't an "old, static way".
Users expect certain behaviors of HTML forms, and overuse of AJAX or any
other "in your face" methods that can be applied to "real-time" validation
(read: interruption to the user) are unexpected behaviors and will more than
likely make the user go somewhere else.  This is all relative to the
application, who is using it and what it does, of course, but for the
general audience of internet users the last thing you want to do is turn
their world upside down with the unexpected when they are trying to perform
a simple action they've performed a thousand times before.


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