I did the following steps outlined in KB914387


From: Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 3/12/2007 12:16 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: TIMEZONE issues?? anyone?

what did you do for your win2k boxes?
just wondering if we did same stuff.


On 3/12/07, Adkins, Randy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All of mine are running fine. Win 200 and W2K3 servers
> ________________________________
> From: Tony [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Mon 3/12/2007 12:03 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: TIMEZONE issues?? anyone?
> our servers, patched, changed, etc, tzupdater too, are not working right.
> windows 2000
> any ideas?
> thanks
> tony
> --
> 'Never have anything in your life that you can't walk out on in thirty
> seconds flat, if you spot the heat coming around the corner'
> robert deniro - heat (1995)

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