I tried to hold off saying this, but if a client is going to decide against
using CF because some sites were created with CF that may offend them, then,
the client is a fucking idiot, and I probably would  not want to deal with
them anyway as there will most likely be a long list of ridiculous requests.

Besides, I hazard a guess that of popular web languages, CF is probably used
the least.

On 3/20/07, Rick Faircloth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I understand what you're saying, and we will each have our own
> moral sensitivities, however, there are some that are more common
> in our culture than others.  You may find someone who is offended
> by the wearing of shoes, but I don't think that's going to be a widespread
> concern.  It's a matter of proportionality and volatility.
> Also, some legitimate business concerns have been raised, which could
> hurt the ultimate goal of the site.  If someone thinks that a possible
> adopter of CF would be offended by such material or even the mention
> of it, then it would be better left off.  I know that seems a little
> over-the-top,
> but in a corporate boardroom or high-level executive meeting, one would
> want to avoid offending, if at all possible.  The list might not even be
> mentioned
> out of that concern.
> I, for one, would simply copy the list, then cull out any undesirable
> content
> then print it for review, but I wouldn't take a prospective client to the
> site.
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Stroz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:54 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: GotCFM.com - Need Opinion on Whether to Approve a Site
> I thought the idea of gotcfm.com was to attract attention to ColdFusion,
> was
> it not?
> Trying to ignore the fact that some CF sites host pornographic material is
> just plain dumb.  If Rey is going to censor porn sites because some might
> find it objectionable, he may as well remove mine as well.  I guarantee my
> site will offend someone, somewhere.  While he is at it, he would need to
> remove any sites that have any religious, scientific or political content
> as
> well.
> Its sad to say, but a lot of advancements in Internet technology were
> either
> driven by, or enhanced by the porn industry.

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