Validate your query using <CFDUMP VAR="#gettrial#"> 

You may only be getting the single result set.

-----Original Message-----
From: Orlini, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 1:24 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Only one record

Thanks Randy, however, same result. It only displays the one record
(table) and its emails.

cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need it to display a listing for each record:

cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc_test2 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc_test2 -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Adkins, Randy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent:   Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:55 PM
To:     CF-Talk
Subject:        RE: Only one record

Since you are only doing ONE grouping, that is all you will get in

Try this:
<cfoutput query="gettrial" group="email1">
        #name# -- <cfoutput>#email1#</cfoutput> <br> </cfoutput> 

-----Original Message-----
From: Orlini, Robert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:49 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Only one record

I have two queries. One gets the trial expiration date for today in the
trials_info dbase. 

The other Select takes the trial name (dynamic as and
searches for the trial in the trials datasource and then grabs the email
registrants in this trial and emails them. I use an embedded Select for
the trial. 

This works, believe it or not, to the degree that it only displays the
first record on the <cfoutput query="gettrial" group="email1">#name# -
#email#<br></cfoutput> query as:

cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
cc_test -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I need it to loop through all. The first Select finds the two records. I
tried CFLOPP, but I'm not a proficient CF progrtammer and can only do
this occasionally because of my other "responsibilities".

Any help always. Thanks.


<cfquery name="Get" datasource="trials"> Select * from trials_info
        where expiration = '#DateFormat(now()),"mm/dd/yyyy")#' 

<cfquery name="Gettrial" datasource="trials"> Select email1 from where exists (Select * from trials_info
        where expiration = '#DateFormat(dateAdd(now()),"mm/dd/yyyy")#')
        group by email1
<cfoutput query="gettrial" group="email1">#name# --

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