You can do the following 

<cfparam name="queryParams.productgroupid" default="-10001">

and then run the query as 

DECLARE @productgroupid int;
SET @productgroupid = #queryParams.productgroupid#;
SELECT Title, ProductID
FROM aTable
    Stock > 0
    m.ProductGroupID = coalesce(nullIf(@productgroupid,-10001),m.ProductGroupID)

What that will do is the following:

  if @productgroupid is -10001 it will set it to null, and then the coalesce 
will set the right side of the where clause to m.ProductGroupID which will mean 
the where clause says

 AND m.ProductGroupID = m.ProductGroupID

which is always true and therefore not limiting. If however its not -10001, 
then it will run the actual query as you want it to.

>I currently have a (very complex) query in the format...
>SELECT Title, ProductID
>FROM aTable
>WHERE  Stock > 0
><cfif len(trim(queryParams.productgroupid)) GT 0>
>  AND  ProductGroupID = #val(productgroupid)#
>I wish to move this query into MSSQL server for performance reasons, how do
>I go about running the conditional code?  I have tried...
>DECLARE @productgroupid bigint;
>SET @productgroupid = 5; 
>SELECT Title, ProductID
>FROM aTable
>WHERE  Stock > 0
>IF @productgroupid > 0
>  AND  m.ProductGroupID = @productgroupid
>But just get syntax errors, is there a way to get the IF...ELSE into the sql
>or do I have to reformat it into...
>IF @productgroupid > 0
>       SELECT fields FROM tables WHERE someCondition AND anotherCondition
>       SELECT fields FROM tables WHERE someCondition
>Because that is going to make for some really unreadable and LONG code once
>all my conditions are coded for!

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