by log table I meant a log table for each table so
for every table there would also be an _log table.
By doing this you could reconstruct the table from
any place. Point it to a day, perform some black
magic on your log and current tables and there you
go. ;) Just remember you also have to account for
inserts and deletes not only updates to these
_log tables so you could possibly use an field that
identifies which action was taken in the _log.

Again since im not entirely sure what fits your
needs the best the _log table method gives you
the greatest control of any other method at the
expense of double the overhead for database work.
In an intranet environment this is still quite
feasible however.

Jeremy Allen
ElliptIQ Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Fongemie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 8:24 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Is this possible w/CF???

I have a client that needs a real simple app. A form that lets a user modify
records in a database. Easy. Except, they want to have a record of which
user made what changes! How in the heck is this possible? Is it?

We would have a table of users, and they would log in first. There would be
less than 30 users to keep track of. I can imagine keeping track of when
they log in, but how to track what changes are made?

Do I look into a CF or Database function??

Any help on this would be great.

Jeff Fongemie

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