Hi Adam

Thanks for your reply.

the predominant problem we have had with host my site is mis information. they 
just seem to want to provide an answer irregardless of whether it is right or 

there has been some form of misinformation every week. however, to give you an 
idea: we got onto their live chat to ask them if we bought a specific tag would 
they install it for us. they said yes. i saved the transcript and bought the 
tag. then when we asked them to install they said they wouldnt. so after a few 
emails of me providing proof that i bought it on their say so they finally 
installed it, i have an email stating 'we have installed the tag you sent us'. 

We then started getting bugs with the tag when it was on the server. we got a 
couple of our developers to troubleshoot and after hours of work they could not 
find out what it was. so i contacted host my site and we finally found out that 
they had installed a version they had without telling us, which happened to be 
an early version of the tag.

This cost us hundreds of pounds in developer hours and they only provided a 
tiny amount of that in compensation.

at this time we were on a shared server. we discussed with them that we were 
having a major presentation coming up and needed the server to be reliable. 
they suggested going to a VPS. we did this.

you can guess whats coming..... we had a major presentation and the vps was 
down for a whole day. we have now put off our presentations until we can move 
to someone more reliable as we cannot take this risk. they are literally 
costing us money and are unreliable in terms of uptime and in terms of 

when we complained they said that we need to understand that sometimes things 
go wrong in tech support and that they dont think we deserve anymore 
compensation as we have had enough for past problems.

i have only detailed a very small percentage of the problems we have had with 

Best wishes


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