I posted this issue on Adobe's forums a couple of days ago, but I haven't had 
any (good) responses.

I recently started testing our code, which is running on 6.1, on ColdFusion 8.  
Almost immediately, I started getting errors.  It was quickly obviously that it 
was due to a change in the behavior of the QuerySetCell function.  Sure enough, 
when I check out that function on the livedocs, it says: 

ColdFusion MX 7: Changed the behavior of the function so that it does type 

Okay, great...  A behavioral change in ColdFusion.  Everything I've heard from 
Adobe and CF user groups is that there are no changes between 6.1, 7.0, and 
8.0.  The word was that features have been added and improved, but none of the 
existing features were changed.  Obviously that isn't true.  So what other 
changes do I need to be aware of?  Is there a conclusive changelog somerwhere?  
There should be.  I don't want to scan the entire documentation looking for 

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