>Bobby Hartsfield -- a dispicalbe being
>He was just being a simple tool. There was no intention of that working.
>There is nothing built in to do anything like this.
>You may be able to find a compare/merge command line tool that you can
>cfexecute... else, in CF... basically what you would have to do is: 
>1) Remove the parts that DO match since its all you can pinpoint initially 
>By 'remove' I mean extract and replace with a marker and store the removed
>text in an array so you can put it back where it goes later
>2) Then what you have left is only the unmatched
>words/letters/numbers/punctuation etc... wrap your spanned highlight code
>around each of those words/numbers/etc... that are left
>3) Then put the extracted parts back into their places
>I can think of a number of weird scenarios to throw a wrench in the 'basic'
>logic for something like this and foresee it getting rather involved. You'll
>have to ask yourself if it is worth it or not.
>Bobby Hartsfield
>Bobby Hartsfield -- a dispicalbe being

I tried to put up with your crap before, but enough, you are nothing but a 
dispicalbe being.  Try to remember this, anything I post DON'T FOLLOW UP.

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