> But are you telling me - and I want to be clear here - that there is
> NO way to fix this? That you CANNOT guarantee that DW won't change
> your code?

No, there is no way. It's the nature of the beast.

DW automatically changes code for some "reasonable" reasons. For example, 
you open a new page, then add an image tag (either from code or design view) 
and point DW to a file. It creates something like:

<img src="file:///C|/mydir/mypage.jpg" />

Then, as soon you save the page, DW "fixes" the path, making it relative to 
the location where you saved the page.
The vast majority of times, those "fixes" work very well, on a few 
occasions, they don't. Unfortunately MM first, then Adobe, never added an 
option to "never touch by code", that would completely disable all these 
automatic functionality. No matter how much people like me or Tom Muck 
lobbied for it.

Translators have been another problematic area too, yet they are critical to 
the way DW works, and they kick in both in Code or Design View.

> I mean I knew DW had issues with code in the past, but Code View was
> supposed to leave stuff alone.

"Code View is safe" it's just urban legend, I keep saying this since many, 
many years (check list's archive). Seems like people don't believe me, if I 
am considered a DW expert...

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying DW is crap, I am just saying you better 
be aware of its shortcoming.

As I said, I use both DW and Eclipse at the very same time, as they stand, 
both are quite far from being the CFML IDE I am looking for.

Massimo Foti, web-programmer for hire
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