Hello All,


Have asked this on the iMS support site and as yet got no reply but
hopefully someone on here can help, is anyone successfully using iMs Mail
server with Coldfusion 8.0.1?


I've recently done a clean install of iMS 2.8.4 and CF 8.0.1 on a new server
and iMS will not talk to Coldfusion at all, the InFusion DLL mapping don't
appear to work. Originally this issue seems to have been with the iMS
installer not recognising CF8 but a revised connector patch was supposed to
have fixed it (CFML_Connector_Installer.exe version 1.2) this indeed DOES
detect CF8 but sets the infusion DLL to


This produces the following error when trying to process any server


WARNING: inFusionEngine error:
C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\lib\wsconfig\iEng\jrun.dll was not registered.
Please configur inFusionEngine DLL mappings.


Setting this DLL mapping to C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\lib\wsconfig\
jrun_iis6.dll or C:\ColdFusion8\runtime\lib\wsconfig\1\
jrun_iis6_wildcard.dll as I'd expect it to be from previous installations
produces the following error...


WARNING: inFusionEngine error: JRun ISAPI Application Extension Stub failed


Anyone got any ideas? I'm stumped.




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