> Just reading your posted description, this is a way to just create
> multiple file upload controls.

That's not the way I read it.

Again, the author's description:

The trick of my method is using multiple forms,
and using a hidden frame as the target of the form post.
I am creating multiple forms using a javascript loop,
just to make the total number of file upload fields variable
(defined by TotalFileFields variable). Each form contains
<input type="file"> element. When upload button is called,
each form is posted one-by-one, and thus dividing the
process into multiple relayed requests.

Note he states:  "When the upload button is called,
each for is posted one-by-one, this dividing the process
into multiple relayed requests."

He seems to be saying that one click of the button sets
off a series of auto-generated forms containing a filefield
which is automatically submitted via js until there are
no more files, at which point the function "breaks"...

I tried his code "as is", except for adding </body> and </html>
to the page, but it doesn't work or look correct.  And from his
code, I can't see where the directory or files would be specified.
Maybe this is not all there is to his code.

Perhaps I'll email him about it.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2008 3:04 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Pre-filling FileField Values
> Rick Faircloth wrote:
> > (If I understand it all with only a cursory review.)
> Just reading your posted description, this is a way to just create
> multiple file upload controls.  JavaScript can easily do this, I am
> unclear on what the benefit of making them all separate forms in iframes
> is, but I've done similar.
> What JavaScript can not do, as far as I know, is to populate those file
> controls with any predefined file names and paths.

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