Wil Genovese wrote:
> Are you this is not due to a login timing out? The 302 http error is a
> redirect code which makes sense if your login expired and your code is then
> trying to redirect the ajax call to the login page.  

You may be on to something...there is CAS (single sign-on) 
authentication wrapping this application.  I will direct my energies 
that way and see what I can find.

> Can you determine which
> page the redirect is attempting to load?

I only see the 302 code and message 'Found' in the error handler for the 
ColdFusion.navigate() call.  I'll dig into some logs and see what I can 

> This could still be a session timing out depending on how your application
> re-loads a users session. Do you have you application detecting users via a
> cookie and auto re-logging them in and re-building the session?  If so does
> the page the ajax call is referencing have the same ability to auto
> re-login?

Nothing fancy like that; when I said "handling" session timeout, I meant 
detecting it in application.cfm and putting up an error page.  The ajax 
error is appearing well before session timeout, though.

> Usually this is what has happened when I've seen this error in the past.
> Wil Genovese
> Sr. Web Application Developer

Thank you for the idea pointing to the authentication wrapper.

> On Mon, Nov 24, 2008 at 1:29 PM, Phil Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> First time poster here. I am using several ajax controls in a CF
>> application, and they work fine...mostly.  I am seeing a time-interval
>> related problem; if a page w/ ajax controls is left inactive for about 30
>> minutes, the next ajax call fails, returning with a 302 (temporarily moved)
>> code.
>> The session is *not* timed out when this happens (I have set the session
>> timeout to 60 minutes, and non-ajax calls detect it appropriately).  I can't
>> imagine what other time interval would match up to this ~30 min. value.
>>  Does anybody have any ideas?
>> Thank you.
>> Phil Stone

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