I have a siteoptions bean which holds session variables that are unique to
each user.  I use roobies cfc bean generator to create a bean which gives me
get and set access to variables which essetially match the form on my
website that I use to collect the information.

How can I store this information in the database to persist it between
visits for my users?

The obvious answer would be to have a matching table in the database which
has a corresponding field for each form field.  I could use transfer for
this and it would work great and I understand that.  But would that be a
good thing?

Or is there I way I can take the bean and just save it to the database as
one object, easily retrievable for the next session.

I guess now that I think about it, either way I will have to have a db
table, so there goes that advantage.  But if the bean were to grow or change
The db wouldn't have to if I was able to save the whole object.

Anyone have any thoughts on these ramblings?

David Mineer Jr
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butt and doing something. It's as simple
as that. A lot of people have ideas, but
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