I had no luck figuring this out so I used another method.  I used
coldfusion.navigate to submit the form to a div at the bottom of the page.

This works great and is actually a nicer solution, but I still I wish I knew
how to make asynchronous form values stick.

On Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:25 PM, David Mineer <min...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a form page.  Several of the fields are cfselect dropdowns with bind
> values that relate them to each other.  I save the values in an object in
> session scope.
> This page by itself works perfect.  You choose values, submit the form and
> when the page comes back, the values you chose are preselected.
> The problem is that I want the page as part of a tabbed interface.  So the
> main page contains several tabs, and the page in question pulls up when you
> click on "it's" tab.
> When the form is submitted from within the tab, the default values are not
> selected.  My research tells me that form values submitted asynchronously
> are not saved like you would expect in a normal page submit.
> How can I save and reference the chosen form values when the from is
> asynchronous.
> --
> David Mineer Jr
> ---------------------
> The critical ingredient is getting off your
> butt and doing something. It's as simple
> as that. A lot of people have ideas, but
> there are few who decide to do
> something about them now. Not
> tomorrow. Not next week. But today.
> The true entrepreneur is a doer.

David Mineer Jr
The critical ingredient is getting off your
butt and doing something. It's as simple
as that. A lot of people have ideas, but
there are few who decide to do
something about them now. Not
tomorrow. Not next week. But today.
The true entrepreneur is a doer.

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