
What I was trying to do was start CF8 with one JVM and CF9 with
another.  However, I have since discovered that on OS X, this won't
work.  JRun will always use the default JVM, regardless of what value
is used for java.home.

I am hoping that Snow Leopard will solve the issue I was having where,
when using Java 6, I could not use cfhttp or web services when hitting

On Sat, Aug 29, 2009 at 1:39 AM, Dave l<cfl...@jamwerx.com> wrote:
> yeah that won't quite do the trick, you still need to change a file, i 
> blogged it here
> http://www.deliciouscoding.com/post.cfm?entry=change-default-leopard-java-jdk-1-5-to-1-6-the-easy-way
>>This has been driving me batty for quite a while
>>A few months back, Appel released an update to Java.  After installing
>>this update, I was unable to use <cfhttp> or hit web services that
>>used SSL.  Typically this would not be a huge deal, but the main
>>project I am on right now needs to make calls to SkipJack for payment
>>processing - which uses SSL (big surprise, huh).
>>Anyway, it was a pretty simple fix to get this resolved, I simply set
>>the 'default' java version to Java 5 in the 'Java Preferences' 'app'
>>in OS X and all was right with the world.
>>Fast forward a few months and now I want to play with CF9 (which I
>>have deployed as a WAR file to my JRun instance).  I want CF9 to use
>>Java 6 (I am not sure why...I just do). I thought this would be a
>>quick fix:
>>Copy jvm.config to cf9jvm.config
>>Set the java.home
>>Make other changes to point to right CF instance
>>Change debugging port (so I can run CF9 and CF8 at the same time)
>>Then, I simply start CF9 using /Applications/JRun4/bin/jrun -config
>>/Applications/JRun4/bin/cf9jvm.config start cf9
>>When I fire up CF9 cf admin, it shows that it is still using Java 5.
>>No matter what I have tried, it still starts with Java 5.
>>can anyone shed some light on this?  Am I pointing to the wrong
>>directory in java.home?
>>Scott Stroz
>>The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who
>>are willing to work and give to those who would not. - Thomas

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