They can't see that much on one screen anyway.  So break it up and only give
them 500 at a time.  You can use startrow and maxrows for that.

Or you can spit it out in a .csv file that will pop up in excel or
openoffice.  I did this all the time with CF8 and it is even easier now with
cf9 because you can use cfspreadsheet.

On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Rick Colman <> wrote:

> I need to query, retrieve and display a large amount of data; i.e. 4100
> rows by 50 columns of numerics, to the browser screen. It is really
> slow, and after some testing, the bottleneck seems to be on the page
> that displays the data. The query is OK and connection is ok. But, the
> user has to wait an unacceptably long time for the results to show.
> Ideally, I would like to break the returned data into about 10
> "spreadsheet-style" grids, with one grid per tab. TABLES is way too slow.
> Any ideas on how to render the displayed data quickly would be appreciated.
> Rick.

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