>> Hi Paul
>After much head scratching, that is what I figured, unfortunately, I have no
>control over the wsdl as it is generated by Taleo on their servers so unless
>they fix their wsdl generation it would appear that I'm screwed if I want
>use CF to consume the web service :-(
>To verify this, since I originally posted I downloaded the wsdl file and
>replaced all xsd:EmployeeBean occurrences with impl:EmployeeBean and tried
>to use WSDL2Java on the local copy. I made progress but then got the error
>that the FlexRollingEntityBean was referenced but not defined. This was the
>same issue so I replaced all xsd:FlexRollingEntityBean with
>impl:FlexRollingEntityBean and re-ran the WSDL2Java tool again, this time it
>generated a null exception.
>What vexes me most is that the wsdl works in Eclipse WPT so these issues I'm
>seeing seem to be related to the way in which CF is built to consume web
>services but their example WSDL file on the Taleo web site can be consumed
>by CF without a problem. Comparing the example to the actual wsdl generated
>by their servers however shows several differences so it does seem to add
>weight to the idea that it's the generation of the wsdl file that is faulty
>in some way and Eclipse WPT is just less sensitive to the faults.

How about keeping a cache of their WSDL + do some regex to correct their 
mistakes (if they are unwilling to change themselves) 

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