Did you try removing the 'toolbar' attribute?

Also, if you look in the CFIDE directory, you will find the .ini file
for FCKEditor, I would make sure that you have the correct spelling
and case of the toolbar set you want.

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Kim Hoopingarner
<k.hoopingar...@e-details.com> wrote:
> We installed CF 9 and when I run my CFTEXTAREA tag - there is no tool bar 
> showing.  Help...  I'm not finding much in Google as you might assume.
> <cfform action="test.cfm" method="post" name="form1" id="form1">
> <cftextarea richtext="true" name="introText" id="introText" toolbar="Default" 
> height="350" width="650" maxlength="2000">#form.introText#</cftextarea>
> </cfform>
> Thanks for any helpful hints out there!
> Kim

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