
We have the same 'relationship' with your servers, and although it is
kludgy, we manage to get by using the following code (just place it in a
file and visit it online to see what is scheduled):

<cfschedule action="run" task="__list">

hope this helps

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 1:00 PM, daniel kessler <dani...@umd.edu> wrote:

> Is there a way to query to find out if I have any active CFSchedule items?
>  I tried to set up a cfschedule and it's not executing the file that I
> specified.  I don't have access to the CF server other than through code and
> I'm looking for ways to trouble shoot this.  I've not used cfschedule
> before.
> any help is appreciated.

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