I tell everyone that the cfajax tags are great for rapid prototyping, 
but it's best to go straight ExtJs for production implementation on 
anything but the simplest work.

One of the biggest issues I've seen, in examples of paging with the 
cfgrid tags, is the use of the QueryConvertForGrid() method for creating 
your paged datasets. If performance is an issue, you will be much better 
served by writing a true paging query. The QueryConvertForGrid() method 
is basically taking on a QueryOfQuery approach, whereby your querying 
your entire recordset and filtering it down at the CF level before 
passing it to the grid. For large datasets, this is handled much better 
at your SQL tier. There are many examples on this out on the web. It's 
fairly trivial with MS SQL, and really easy with MySQL.

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Community Professional - ColdFusion
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Co-Author of "Learning Ext JS"

Eric . wrote:
> Playing with some CFGRID examples on ColdFusion 9, I noticed some major 
> slowdown without a lot of records being loaded.  Being on a locally hosted 
> server off my workstation that concerned me even more.
> I have a lot of CRUD pages for various parts of a management system we're 
> re-writing as a Software-as-a-Service app that would be great candidates for 
> a CFC that creates a CFGRID (or something similar) with dynamic functionality.
> However playing with my examples, I worry about real-world use and larger 
> datasets making them judge our app for something that isn't its fault.
> Currently I follow the old tried and true model of an HTML table that 
> displays data, a link to edit that goes to a form, etc.  Inline editing would 
> work great for a lot of these screens, so a grid-based format seems ideal.
> Has anyone had any great success with moving away from the old-school 
> approach to something a little more modern?
> I'm on a dual-core box with 2 gigs of ram, which might be a tad higher than 
> I'd expect from our users.  I'm looking for something that does what I need 
> it to do but without that "clunky" feeling.
> Am I just not customizing CFGRID well enough, or am I on to something you've 
> realized as well?
> TIA :) 

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