We second the recommendation at Quill Design.  


Eric J. Hoffman
Managing Partner, EJH & Associates, LLC
Phone: 651.717.4105
Cell: 612.819.3017  Blackberry: 612.321.1760
Virtual Fax: 651.344-4329
Meeting Room: http://meet.ejhassociates.com/eric

Adobe Solutions Silver Partner
Sun Microsystems Enterprise Partner

On Apr 8, 2010, at 2:28 PM, Patrick Santora wrote:

> Depending your time frame you may want to look at
> http://www.quilldesign.com/. They provide an e-commerce solution. Their
> latest version does not supply an API, but their upcoming release (version 5
> around May or so) will have an API.
> Here at Mura we are hoping to build a good relationship with them in hopes
> to building a Mura plugin to their e-commerce solution.
> -Pat
> On Thu, Apr 8, 2010 at 12:14 PM, Matthew Lesko <m.le...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> I have ColdFusion CMS. I'm looking for an e-Commerce package suggestions
>> where I can present its data - products & pricing, customer information,
>> shopping cart, orders - in the CMS. The e-Commerce solution would preferably
>> also offer fulfillment tracking.
>> I've worked with AbleCommerce in the past, but not since it converted to a
>> .NET only solution. I briefly examined CFWebStore, but my investigation did
>> not find any type of API that would facilitate integration. I also looked at
>> KonaKart, and this appears to offer some easy integration options via a Java
>> API or SOAP, but I imagine I'd be better running this as a separate JVM,
>> instead of sharing with CF.
>> So I am looking for opinions on these options, or for any others, readers
>> have experience with.
>> Regards,
>> Matthew Lesko

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