One simple way to do it is just to disable the submit button and change it's
text to something like "Loading data...". That way you give instant feedback
to the user and it's someplace they're already looking.


-----Original Message-----
From: John Pullam [] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 5:55 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: How to show a work-in-progress icon while waiting for a web service

I have an app which calls a web service on a different computer to do work
on its behalf and sometimes my users are impatient and hit the invocation
button a second time, which causes problems. I'd like to pop some kind of
work-in-progress or busy icon on the web page while this service is
executing but am drawing a blank on how to do that. I can envision a hidden
div with some kind of animated gif but am not sure of exactly how to
activate it and then deactivate it when the service returns.

Would appreciate any ideas on how to do this. 

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