Hi all,


I have a small dilemma and would like some suggestions.


I have an app that has been working for a long time. It is a Flash Form
using a cfgrid. ActionScript and Flash Remoting is used to deal with
updating and saving changes, etc.  If there is only a row or two in the
grid everything is fine, but if there are more than that, the updates to
the database take so long that the flash form times out and locks up.


Right now the code re-saves every row if it was changed or not.  I want
to switch to only change items that were actually changed to make things
run faster.  Using a CFGrid in a non Flash Form sends not only the grid
data, but also what changed and what the original value was. Does anyone
know how to see this same information in ActionScript?


As I see it my options are as follows:

1)      Learn how to see that extra information and use it to limit what
is updated.

2)      Make a copy of the original grid before they make changes, pass
both grids to the cfc and have it determine what is changed and update.
I'm afraid this might add a bit of over head as well.


I don't have time to re-write this app and I can't share the url because
it is a internal company website.


Any ideas or info on extra data in cfgrids would be appreciated.





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