>It might be that the form hasn't been added to the dom, though that's
>usually not the case since the js comes after the form code.
>However if you'll remember a few days ago I suggested:
>> 1. Wrap your JS code at the bottom of the page in a function and execute
>the function when the ajax call completes.
>> 2. Add your focus setting code into a callback function on the ajax call.
>That advice is still sound.
>On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 4:56 PM, John Pullam <jpul...@mcleansystems.com>wrote:

Must admit that I'm not really sure what you are suggesting. e.g., what do you 
mean a callback function on the ajax call?

In any event, it all seems fairly consistent at the moment. I have converted to 
using AjaxOnLoad and the function contains either:

document.LoginForm.AccessID.focus(); or 

Regardless of which I use, it works fine in Opera, Chrome and Safari. Neither 
work in IE, and in Firefox, the cursor is set but it moves away again in about 
a second.

Very strange but it is not worth the amount of time being spent so I will 
probably give up on ever fixing it and assume it is some kind of CF9 issue that 
will get resolved over time. 

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