<pre> tags would be easiest. If you don't want pre tags then something like
#replace(content, char(13), '<br />', 'all')#

Bobby Hartsfield

-----Original Message-----
From: Jenny Gavin-Wear [mailto:jenn...@fasttrackonline.co.uk] 
Sent: Monday, September 19, 2011 12:34 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: CFPOP

I'm using CFPOP to import mail into an online archive.

I'm just going to use the textbody to display the messages in the browser.

My question is, what is the ideal way of formatting the message, replacing
all the LF's, etc with <br>'s.

I'm thinking someone must have done this before, maybe I don't need to
reinvent the wheel ....

Many thanks in advance!

Jenny Gavin-Wear
Fast Track Online
Tel: 01262 602013

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