Thank you all for your responses. To answer some inquiries, we are located
in Tallahassee Fl.

The skinny: It is a decent gig. Great bosses that look out for you. Good
bennies. Very pleasant professional work environment. Good peeps all
around. Mostly Intranet type development with enough new development to
keep it interesting and challenging. Some maintenance programming but not
all that much.

Thanx again

On Tue, Mar 6, 2012 at 9:00 PM, andy matthews <>wrote:

> You can pay a small fee to post it on Ben Nadel's job board. I believe he
> donates the money to charity.
> andy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gerald Guido []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2012 9:12 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: (ot) Places to post a CF opening
> We have an opening for someone with CF Experience. We advertised it as a
> with CF Experience and posted on some free sites and Craig's list and have
> not had any bites locally. The powers that be do not want to nut up to post
> it to Monster or career builder.
> I know that there is the CF-Jobs list but where else can we post for free
> that will get us more coverage?
> As always many TIA.
> G!
> --
> Gerald Guido

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