I have done this three ways. I had an edit table (like your temp table) and
that worked fairly well. I did versioning as Jason mentioned, that was a
bit of a PITA.   The other way was to use a "preview" page and I submitted
the form data to the preview page via AJAX and populated it that way. The
Ajax method worked best with simple pages i.e. not a lot of joins.


On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 12:21 PM, Les Mizzell <lesm...@bellsouth.net> wrote:

> I'm in the process of rewriting the admin system for an older website.
> On this version, client want to be able to edit/add/delete anything at
> will, and have it NOT got live until he's decided he's "done" with that
> part.
> My current thought is to use a temp table(s) that:
> a. when visiting an "edit" page - LOADS the live data into the temp table
> b. all editing is done in the temp table
> c. once he likes it, he can hit the "publish" button, and the temp data
> replaces whatever is currently in the live table.
> d. after that transaction is completed, the temp table is emptied again
> Seem like a plan? Is there a better way? How does everybody else handle
> this stuff?

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