FWIW JavaScript is notorious for being temperamental and causing problems
when you start mixing JS libraries. You are using third party JS libraries
along with the libraries used by CF. And practically speaking it is
impossible to foresee and eliminate all possible conflicts when using
multiple JS libraries at the same time, with or without ColdFusion. This is
par for the course. I cannot tell you how many times I have run into
problems when using multiple JS libraries/apps/plugins.

Seriously though, comparing front end web development to Photoshop or
Illustrator, where Adobe can control all aspects of the users/developers
experience, is moot. Adobe has no way of foreseeing what you use in a web
development project, let alone being able to find work-a-rounds for them.
A lot of time the latest versions of popular JS apps come out after CF is

Believe me, I understand your frustration... I wrestle with it on a regular

Just sayin'...


On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 6:49 PM, David Moore <dgmoor...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> I am using CF 9.1 on a Windows 2008 Web Server and have noticed another
> issue with cflayout(area). This (of course) only occurs in IE9. It works
> fine in Firefox.
> Let's say I build a cflayout page with 3 cflayoutareas (tabs). If I place
> a rich cftextarea (CKEditor) within tab 2 or 3 it does not display
> correctly. If I place the CKEditor in the first tab (or cflayoutarea) it
> displays and functions correctly?
> Besides the obvious, don't use cflayout and use jQuery libraries instead,
> does anyone have an idea of what is going on with the first cflayoutarea so
> that CKEditor works and force that to allow CKEditor to work in every
> cflayoutarea. Can anyone else dulicate the error and am I just missing
> something. According to a technical support email I got from Adobe they are
> aware of the issue(s) with cflayout and CKEditor.
> I just get so frustrated when cf tags don't work as they are promoted. I
> don't know of any other Adobe product where having "broken" features is
> acceptable: Photoshop, Illustrator, etc. Why is it Adobe allows ColdFusion
> to be sold knowing there are going to be problems with features. Then when
> they are made aware of them, don't fix all of them on an update release.
> While they do fix some, they ignore others. Then tell us it will be fixed
> in the next version I have to now pay for to solve their problem....only to
> find, as in past experiences, something else will break. I am getting very
> frustrated with Adobe's seeming lack of attention to ColdFusion and
> providing a totally clean product. I am also tired of the excuse that I get
> in emails from their support that "we get the code for that feature from
> someone else and that's where the real problem lies". Really? Really!
> Rant over. Feedback welcome. And hopeful for a solution to my cflayout
> issue from all the experts in this group!
> David

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