>> 2. Use iText.

iText can a PITA for complex documents. I found it to be *much* less labor
intensive to use a RTF document and add/edit content to the text file and
converting it to a PDF using oolib  http://oolib.riaforge.org/

I have been able to get much nicer formatting with that method compared to


On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Andy Allan <andy.al...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This is an outstanding bug going back to 2005 when CF7 came out.
> The underlying engine that provides cfdocument doesn't support it and
> Adobe have confirmed numerous times they can't fix it because of the
> underlying engine.
> Basically, they need to rewrite it.
> So your options for now are:
> 1. Live with it (meh)
> 2. Use iText.
> Andy
> On 25 September 2012 21:49, .jonah <jonah....@creori.com> wrote:
> >
> > I'm creating HTML with CF and then converting it to a PDF with
> >
> > It doesn't seem to support justifying text. Is there a way to make it do
> so?
> >
> > I've set in the CSS: p { text-align:justify; } But the text still comes
> > out ragged right...
> >
> >

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