If memory serves there is a setting in your dsn you need to change to
enable utf8

Russ Michaels
www.cfmldeveloper.com - Free CFML hosting for developers
www.cfsearch.com - CF search engine
On Jan 4, 2013 10:35 AM, "Edward Chanter" <firew...@cc.uk.com> wrote:

> First off, happy new year all!
> I'm sure the answer to this is really simple but I've been banging my head
> against a wall for a few hours so thought I'd ask my friendly neighbourhood
> gurus.
> I have a database table that needs to store currency symbols both as HTML
> chars (%pound;), text code (ie. GBP) and the symbol (£)
> The database table has the fields as UNICODE (nvarchar) and when I manually
> paste the rows in via windows and SMSS I can put in currency symbols and
> every other strange character I could find including japanese chars and
> other stuff. They are all stored by SQL just fine and I can return the data
> in a cfquery without any issues.
> However when I try and run an insert query via CF, for example:
> insert into currencies
> (title,code,symbol,htmlsymbol)
> values
> ('Pounds','GBP','£','&pound;')
> The £ gets converted to ??
> When I insert it as N'£' I still get question marks but these have black
> diamond shaped boxes around them.
> I thought it was the database collation or something but as I said I can
> type these characters into the table in my SMSS console and they are saved
> without a problem.
> We're running a linux CF server and windows database server, could that be
> the problem? If so is there anyway I can get it working? I'm really
> struggling to understand this problem so if anyone has encountered it
> before and knows a solution or can point me in the right direction for some
> reference material then I would be most grateful.
> Thanks in advance ;

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