>>It's a good banana among a boatload of other perfectly good bananas being
traded on an imaginary software commodity exchange.

Exactly. There is all sorts of amazing things going on out there. Ex: I
have been digging into the .NET world and I am nothing short of amazed as
to what folks are doing on that front. Visual studio has a package manager
much like YUM for Linux... You type in a command at the command prompt
within VS and it includes packages like angular.js or Twitter Bootstrap or
into your app just like you install apps with YUM on Linux. I was all
"Whoah, wait, what? Is this a MS product?  Kick ass!!"

I am a huge fan of Railo btw but the webdev landscape is radically
different than it was a scant 2-3 years ago. As I am fond of saying
"Everything you know is wrong every 3 to 5 years."

In the same breath I have to say that the back end is quickly
becoming little more than a service layer for your database and for things
that JS and/or mobile apps can't do or do well. I have heard several times
in the last week (from developers of various back end languages) that the
back end is "just a matter of preference anymore". Everything is moving to
AJAX, Mobile apps and client side app MVC frameworks like Backbone.js and
Angular.js so just as long as you can expose your back end via Rest and/or
SOAP web services it really doesn't matter what you are running server
side. And as we all know CF makes it ridiculously easy to do both :)

Just some observations and my $0.02 on the matter... And as always, worth
every penny.


On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 10:08 AM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com>wrote:

> It's a good banana among a boatload of other perfectly good bananas being
> traded on an imaginary software commodity exchange.

Gerald Guido

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