You guys just get ridiculous in your conversations, which, if you'll
pardon the profane verbiage, inevitably is reduced to a pissing contest
and a sometimes not-so-subtle attempt to demean others by display of
something that's supposed to pass for "superior knowledge." It's no wonder
that geeks have a reputation for totally lacking people skills, because
that's exactly the way many of you act on this list. No tact, but plenty
of insulting, off-topic remarks.

Russ, I think it's safe to assume that if someone managed to keep
a job in IT for 30 years, and even worked as an IT manager
that they *probably* know what they're doing? Don't you think?

And only *one* person in this entire, mostly ridiculous discussion,
has even attempted to answer the question I asked to start with,
"Anyone ever created their own email archive with CF?" ... The rest
has been an exercise in attempting to tell me that I should be doing
something else, like using Google Apps for Business.

And Dave, talk about OT! Suggesting I use Google Apps, or anything else,
instead of even attempting to answer my question, isn't acceptable
to this OP. I've had already looked at Gmail and found it unsuitable.
And to suggest that you know best what my clients' need that I do,
is terribly presumptuous.

Perhaps should anoint a few of you know-it-alls to be a CF-Talk
Advice and Solution Panel. Those of us who aren't smart enough to make
the cut for that panel can then bring offerings, explain our situation,
and wait for you the panel to dispense its wisdom as to how we should
proceed. But, imagine! Some might dare to ask a question that by-passes
the panel's usual modus operandi, come up with an idea on our own,
and ask a question that seeks an answer to just a simple-minded question.

But this happens all the time on this list. Many questions that are posed
get no real answer; instead they get a list of replies that typically
sound like this: "I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but you
should..." and a solution is offered that doesn't address the original
question. Well, if you don't know what I'm trying to accomplish, or if you
do, but don't know how to solve it, just keep your mouth shut. Or offer
solutions only to the OP's questions. Stop trying to push the OP towards
something *YOU* prefer.

If I wanted to know what solutions existed, I'd ask that question.
Or I can ask that question instead: "Are there any existing solutions
that offer an email archiving system that I should consider?". But that's not 
what I
asked. I've already looked at Google Apps for Business and had decided
that I didn't like what I saw; found the solution overkill for what my
client needs.. they need email, not email + calendar + drive + docs, etc., etc.
Some of that has already been offered to my client and they didn't want it. It 
might be, MIGHT BE, that I know my clients and what they need better
that you wanna-be CF gods who quickly avoid answering OP questions and
start imparting unsolicited wisdom.

The client's needs that I'm trying to address happens to be a NON-PROFIT
USO organization who is trying to find solutions while keeping the cost
at a minimum. And going from $50 per month to $500 per month for email
isn't a wise use of their funds. Some of you who have to work as employees
instead of having the skill-set (including the aforementioned people skills)
to run your own business where you have to manage relationships with people,
may think that if a business is *worthy* to exist, then it should prove
it by purchasing costly and wasteful solutions to problems. But some
organizations, and even for-profit businesses, prefer to try to find the
least-expensive, yet effective solutions to meet their needs.

AND some of us might have the audacity (hate to use that word because leaves
a very bad taste in my mouth because of the idiot in the white house),
to think we might be able to build a custom solution to our own problems that
Google, or any other vendor can't come close to.

Advice for those of you on high who seek to impart your wisdom from
Mt. Olympus to us mere mortals: Answer the original, and *only* the
original question. If the OP wants to go in another direction with the
discussion, then let them. But don't hi-jack a thread with alternatives
until the OP asks. At that point we won't have all this damned useless

Thanks for NOT answering my question. I've gotten almost no helpful
information from this entire conversation, in spite of its tremendous length.


-----Original Message-----
From: Russ Michaels [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 18, 2013 5:23 AM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Re: Anyone ever created their own email archive with CF?

Not sure what working in it for 30 years has to do with the topic, this
tells us you had a job in a specific area for a certain time  thats all, it
certainly doesn't mean you know everything there is to know about i.t, or
that you were even good  at it.

Russ Michaels - Free CFML hosting for developers - CF search engine
On Apr 18, 2013 5:22 AM, "Dave Watts" <> wrote:

> > I said, " tired of helping them feed me adverts".  They base the adverts
> > they feed on everything they know about the target.
> >
> > I keep my data backed up.
> >
> > Dave, I spent 30 years in IT and most of it as an IT manager.  I get by.
> >
> > Seems to chose to ignore most of what I said .
> No, I didn't ignore any of what you said. I just pointed out that
> Google Apps for Business doesn't contain ads, and Google doesn't use
> your Apps for Business email to figure out how to serve you ads. Their
> terms of service prevent them from doing this.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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