
I think that you are being too insistent about what you think CF should be 
doing and not thinking about the actual logic of rendering a web page.  As has 
been stated too many times in this thread, CF does not process anything but CF 
tags, CFScript and anything that is within cfoutput tags that also contains 
something surrounded by #.  Simply putting the image tag inside of cfoutput 
tags will not force CF to evaluate what it considers to be plain text content.  

The precursor to Cameron's explanation is:

1) Web server receives request for cfm/cfc
2) Web server passes request to CF for processing
3) CF parses the file and returns the HTML to the web server
4) Web server returns HTML to the browser
5) Browser parses the HTML
6) Browser makes further requests to the web server for the required resources 
(js, css, images etc)
7) Continue with Cameron's response

You need to accept the fact that CF WILL NOT interpret anything that is not a 
CF tag, script or variable and accept that there is something else that is 
causing what you are seeing.

David Phelan                  
Web Developer   
IT Security & Web Technologies
Emerging Health
Montefiore Information Technology
3 Odell Plaza, Yonkers, NY 10701
914-457-6465 Office
862-234-9109 Cell

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Roberts [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 8:35 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: per application settings

I think we are focusing on the actual image too much here...I am talking about 
the path to the image.  So this is before anything gets served...


-----Original Message-----
From: Phillip Duba []
Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 6:37 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: RE: per application settings

No it wouldn't. Its being served and "called" through the browser, that's
why you can view it directly. The scenario Cameron describes is very close
to what happened to me 2 weeks ago with a mapping,

On Nov 26, 2013 6:15 PM, "Eric Roberts" <>

> Thank you this .png is getting called from a cfm page 
> (header.cfm
> )  So wouldn't the application.cfc be applied?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cameron Childress []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 26, 2013 4:48 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: per application settings
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 3:23 PM, Eric wrote:
> > <img src="/cup/images/image.png" />
> >
> Here's what MAY be happening here. In the case of a CFAdmin mapping:
> 1) Apache gets request for /cup/images/image.png
> 2) Apache says "no such file!" what say you JRun (CF9 right?)
> 3) JRun says: Hey! This aint no CFM file! Let's not run 
> Application.cfc on it!
> 4) Then JRun says: Hey! I have a serverwide mapping for that! Awesome!
> 5) File gets served.
> In this case, the Application.cfc never executes. JRun knows about the 
> mapping and it serves the file.
> Now, move that same mapping inside Application.cfc then:
> 1) Apache gets request for /cup/images/image.png
> 2) Apache says "no such file!" what say you JRun (CF9 right?)
> 3) JRun says: Hey! This aint no CFM file! Let's not run 
> Application.cfc on it!
> 4) Then JRun says: I don't know nuthin about this stinking file!
> 5) Four Oh Four. You got served.
> Dance off over.
> Drops mic.
> -Cameron
> --
> Cameron Childress
> --
> p:   678.637.5072
> im: cameroncf
> facebook <> | 
> twitter<> |
> google+ <>

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