Hi John,

We had a similar experience when trying to do a QoQ an RSS feed and order
the posts by date. We did this "CAST(PUBLISHEDDATE AS DATE)" in the 2nd
query and it worked but I can't recall exactly why.

I hope this helps.

Craig Hadley
Madison WI

-----Original Message-----
From: John M Bliss [mailto:bliss.j...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 5:06 PM
To: cf-talk
Subject: Possible Spam | QoQ Question

Hi! I have a query result set stored as WDDX in a text file. Set includes a
numeric column with some null values:

<field name='COSTS'>

I can read this file, do a wddx2cfml on it, and then do query-of-query on
the results with no problem. The problem happens when, in my QoQ, I try to
order by costs. That produces:

java.lang.Double cannot be cast to java.lang.String

Am I correct to assume that's being caused by the null values? If so, what's
the best/easiest way to fix that? If not, what might be causing this?

John Bliss - http://about.me/jbliss

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