More to the point, it cannot set cookies from a domain with an underscore
in it.

On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 8:22 AM, Scott Stroz <> wrote:

> Is it just on your development server? By any chance does the URL you use
> for the site have an underscore in it? There is an old bug in IE 7 or 8
> where by the browser cannot maintain state if there is an underscore in the
> domain name used. Maybe this bug somehow popped back up in IE 11?
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 3:12 PM, Matthew Smith <>wrote:
>> Just had the IE 11 update pushed to my development box.  Now, on the site
>> I am working on, I am getting a new cfid/cftoken with every page request,
>> ruining state/session management.
>> What is the easiest work around on this?  I would hate to have to go
>> through all the site adding #cfid# and #cftoken# to every url...
>> Also, if I do append cfid/cftoken, how it is handeled when a SE crawls
>> the site?  Would all the links have the cfid and cftoken assigned for the
>> crawl in them, causing a problem with everyone coming from that link
>> sharing a session?  How do you get around this?
>> Thank you.

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